Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Y&R Victor's Vasectomy
In case you missed it, some of those actors are not shrinking violets. They said nothing? They were disregarded?
Now, many Y&R viewers I know can't get past this. This is like the mark-of-the-devil on Maria Arena. The fact that steps are being taken to ERASE this storyline from memory (they are allegedly killing the baby mama, they have already killed the baby) is not enough. The fact that they have "explained" (on 7/29/08, Kay told Nikki--who was the FIRST person to ask how Victor could have impregnated a woman after two vasectomies--that Victor had "quietly" had a reversal) does not offer comfort. WHEN did he have this done? WHY did he have this done?
For me, having addressed it--and killed off the story--effectively deals with this mistake (even as I remain concerned that such mistakes can happen again). But I am accused of tolerating lazy writing, which is true.
Here is a three-part rationalization (why I can live with this by writing the story in my own mind) that helps me get through the night :-). The first two parts were posted on SON, and the third part on Usenet.
I've decided that I like usenet posters Patricia/Cheri's interpretations of how this could have gone down. (They are at usenet,
The idea is that the vasectomy happened when Victor left to find the missing Adam (a story beat never mentioned again). This was right after Nicholas "died". We KNOW he was bereft at losing 'my boy'. So bereft that he took off looking for his other son. It wouldn't take much to convince me that...IN THAT GRIEF...he chose to have the reversal. Remember how he was out of contact with the family? That could be consistent with surgical recovery.
Now, why did he not tell Nikki? Because, while away, he saw that Youtube video of Chow and Nikki kissing. (Let it never be forgotten that Phyllis and Sharon planted that they are the ultimate causes of all the evil that followed! I have never seen either one feel a moment of guilt about that).
At that point, hating cuckholdery, Victor clammed up and stopped communicating with Nikki. He never resumed his relationship with her upon return. THUS HE NEVER GOT AROUND TO TELLING HER WHAT HE HAD DONE. The relationship no longer warranted it.
Now, would Victor take control of a situation and do what he wanted (like restore fertility) without ever asking his spouse? DAMN RIGHT HE WOULD. That kind of non-consultative control taking without asking others what they think/want is a CLASSIC Victor move.
Okay, so then the next logical question is: If he told Kay, why would Kay never have told Nikki? Now here I acknowledge more of a problem. But again, remember that by the time Victor got back, Nikki and Victor were estranged. They were SOON separated, and divorce followed not too long after. And, not too long after, they had new partners.
Why WOULD Kay tell Nikki her other friend's (Victor's) confidence? It would just rub salt in the wound of the estrangement. It was no longer relevant, quite frankly.
In my view, the ability to keep counsel like this makes Kay a better friend to BOTH of them. I have no problem with this at all.
Again, let us be clear...this is a twist THAT IS WELL WRITTEN BY usenet's CHERI AND PATRICIA :-) . But nothing in the (LAMER) on-screen writing is inconsistent with usenet's Patricia/Cheri's well written twist :-) .
Why would Victor do this, KNOWING that Nikki was unlikely to want more children? (Under this scenario, they were NOT divorced or separated when he did this).
Rationalizing (I KNOW this was a stupid mistake!), in the depths of his grief over Nick, Victor (true to form) wasn't CARING about anyone else...including Nikki. "She's my wife, dammit, I raised her from trash, and if I want her to carry another heir for me she will, dammit, or I will hire someone who will!!"
So, I could buy it.
If I don't tolerate sloppy writing, I have to turn off the soaps...and I'm not ready to do that yet.
So, next, when would Victor discuss such an intensely personal thing with Kay? Do they really have such a relationship?
Well, here is the scene I wrote in my head about how it must have gone :).
After Victor returns, and he and Nikki are estranged, Kay takes him to lunch.
"Darling," she says, "I am worried about you. Nicholas is dead, your marriage is broken, I am just worried how you are going to cope."
Victor, his pursed lip smile with unsmiling eyes, responds, "Don't worry about me, Katherine. I have dealt with far worse in my life. I built myself from the ground up, and I will build myself again. And I can build a new family too, if I wish."
Kay stares at him penetratingly. After the commercial break, she gestures in the air, with a confused squinting. "But darling, how can you build a new family my dear? I mean, after all, dear God in Heaven, hasn't that horse left the barn".
"Katherine," he would say, his jaw in motion, "If you are referring to my previous vasectomy, I have had it reversed by the finest doctors in the world. They assure me that I can have further children again if I wish. I have lost my boy...but this is not necessarily the end of the line!"
Katherine would be flustered, yet intrigued..."Reversed, dear God Victor, could it be true? Are you sure?"
And Victor would get serious and say, "Kindly do not question my decisions."
"But Victor," Kay would protest, "I am not convinced it is over between you and Nikki, and..."
Victor would interrupt: "There is no hope for Nikki and me, now that she has taken up with that pipsqueak of a man!".
Kay would persist. "But Victor, if and when you and Nikki ever DO reconcile, I am not sure she would want, or would be able, to have another child. Shouldn't you discuss this with her?"
Victor would glower. "Katherine, you know me well enough by now. If I decide to have another son, I will do so. There are many women who would willingly assist me in this. I never thought I would want more children...but the loss of Nicholas has opened my eyes to what more I wish to accomplish!"
While Kay was trying to process, Victor would say, "I do not want anyone to know about this. This is private."
And Kay would say, "But Nikki is my dearest friend. Yet, I must admit, telling her might just cause more pain. Until you and Nikki reunite, I agree there is no need for her to know. But promise me, just promise me, dear Victor, that some day you will tell her if and when the time is right."
Victor would fold his napkin and get ready to rise. "I will do no such thing. I cannot imagine this will ever be Nikki's business to know again. Katherine, my dear, I have a business appointment, so I must take leave. Thank you for the lunch invitation". He would rise and kiss her on the cheek, saying--as he parted: "Kindly have a nice day."
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Y&R's Judith Chapman appreciation
I love both actresses. Joan was one of the major reasons I watched Knots ...but her Gloria didn't grab me. Some of it was the writing (hired gigolos would end up accepting non-payment for the option to have sex with Glo INSTEAD? GMAFB). Joan Van Ark didn't convince me that she was trailer trash, with a hard knock life. To her credit, especially early, Van Ark's Gloria seemed strangely detached from her boys emotionally...which worked with the neglectful backstory.
[Tangent...but it becomes relevant. Michael Bruno recently said, on an Emmy-nomination-timed podcast that, at one point GL wanted to hire a "Channel Stopper"...a man so beautiful you rested on the show when flipping channels. (Long story...the role ended up going to Ricky Paull Goldin instead...but he's a channel stopper IMO too). ] Anyway, Judith was an original channel stopper.
That is LITERALLY how I "met" her. Mom was a religious devotee of Ryan's Hope (it was on while we made lunch), but I didn't pay it a lot of mind. Until I walked in the room and SAW Charlotte. Those eyes--I think the TV was even black and white--drew me in and held me. (In fact, that inspired the montage at bottom).
I still think she is one of the most unconventionally gorgeous creatures ever.
In the process, her Gloria became richer and therefore more a good way...she drew me in. With her immense beauty and sophistication-despite-poverty, I INSTANTLY understood why John might shuck it all to be with her. She still had moments of ARCH selfishness and recklessness (asking Kevin to commit crimes for her; face cream) that helped me connect her with her selfish/neglectful/abusive backstory. This Gloria had warmth with her boys...but it always had a manipulative (even seductive...yes, she goes there!) flavor to it. I totally buy her as this damaged, selfish black charming and attractive that she sucks men (even her sons) in time and time again. I mean my heart TOTALLY melted for her when Jeffrey was so vile to her...even though she flipped and went back to him a week later.
The fact that Gloria sucks me in that way helps me understand why she is so powerful as a character.
I guarantee you, Joan Van Ark had none of those capabilities :-). I'm just not that into her

I've struggled to understand why there is SUCH hatred toward her. I think viewers have just not yet looked closely at the screen and surrendered to those eyes. (Thumbnails link to source sites/photos).
Monday, July 21, 2008
Is ATWT's Nuke a squandered opportunity?
There’s also the realistic and tender side of As The World Turns. It’s found in the several other plots, including the love story of Luke and Noah. I’ve been trying to find my equilibrium since the writers opened up the issue of Luke’s sexuality. Luke has always been a dear character, in my book. He is, after all, the son of Damiangodofallmen Grimaldi - I remember Damian as he was, not the loser of a guy the writers transformed him into. With Luke’s coming out, I was fearfully sure the writers would take the same path with him that most daytime writers have taken with almost every other character who’s come out of the closet. Hank Elliot.The author goes on to advance some great hypotheses about why the Nuke story has played out the way it has. Some of it is obvious (the P&G-homophobia/fear-of-AFA argument that has been discussed everywhere). Some of it is unlikely (Nuke too young for sex? Not with Parker kissing like a fool. Writers trying to script old fashioned romance? Yeah, right). But there is also an intriguing "sensitivity" argument: "Is there are greater sensitivity to Loah/Nuke becuase they’re sexual minorities and the writers are afraid of advancing stereotypes? I think it’s possible that there’s some merit to this one. The writers have not only kept the storyline around, but have found ways to deepen the commitment the two have for one another. "
When I look at the difference between Hank Elliot’s storyline and Luke’s I am amazed. There’s such a sensitivity and care about developing Luke and Noah as people, not just ‘gay young adults’. For veteran soap viewers like myself, this is the gradual unfolding of a love story, the kind soap writers were once capable of penning. For other soap viewers, this storyline is at a standstill. Luke and Noah aren’t moving as quickly as other daytime couples. For me, it’s the fast moving couples that are the problem, but I understand the frustration. There have to be questions about why the writers have taken more time to advance this couple:
Okay...but here's the thing.
I visit a lot of soap boards. Too many. And with rare exceptions (so rare I can name them), I mostly get four reactions to Nuke.
a. "I never liked Nuke. They were pushed before they were even really on screen. This is a homosexual agenda". Do with that what you want.
b. "The depiction of young male sexuality is SO unrealistic, I cannot invest in this tale". This goes beyond not kissing...because they do now. This is about the fact that they are not sexually satisfying each other. Most viewers acknowledge it doesn't have to happen on screen--this is NOT about voyeurism--but that it doesn't happen...
Noah was about to "ship off" to Iraq...and STILL he and Luke couldn't even -- forgive my language -- give a hand job or something?
c. I'd stick around for Nuke, but the REST of the show is so vile, this is only too much junk.
d. Go Nuke! Finally something that shows some element of the real gay experience with a member of a core family. Be happy that--even if this is a baby step--it is a real step.
In my more rational moments, I'm a "d". But I gotta tell you, that is a rare sentiment...and I see a lot more of a, b, c.
Here is my hope: Nuke opened the door. Noah's behavior has made many of us dislike him and think he needs to grow up.
So, for ATWT, I'd send Noah away, and give Luke a chance at a fresh, mature love--DEPICTED HONESTLY. (Think Brother and Sisters).
And for the NEXT soap (I personally hope it is B&B), use the door that Nuke bust open, and do it right--fearlessly (not Passions-fearlessly, but fearlessly) the next time.
As trailblazers, no matter what the future brings, Nuke, ATWT, and the actors have garnered my eternal gratitude for the big step they have taken...even if ultimately it was not quite big enough--or too big--for many in the audience.
Gay Men and Soaps: The Actors
She did a blog post in which she happened to mention that one long-standing actor on a soap was openly gay, and had been discussed as such in two celebrity autobiographies. A commenter on her website took her to task for the "outing", and promptly listed--unfounded--the names of other actors and actresses he thought were also GLBT.
I was upset, and said so on Usenet, because: (a) the actor Lynn spoke of has never (to my knowledge) given a public statement on his sexuality, and (b) letting that comment stand may have further outed a host of others.
Outing can be painful and injurious. While I wish we lived in a world where everyone just wanted us to have someone to love...and didn't care about the gender of that someone...we don't. There may be powerful consequences for outing.
But, here are a couple of interesting outcomes of the discussion:
(A) First, I was wrong to accuse Lynn of outing...since she has source material that put the material in the public domain...and I publically apologize;
(B) in the ensuing Usenet discussion, it became clear that MOST of the regular posters there were not aware of the actor's sexuality. Which raises the important reminder that "outing" is not an absolute concept, but a relative one. In the case of this actor, the autobiographies were likely read by a different audience than soap viewers.
I don't know what to do with that "relative outing" idea, except to urge caution to all of us. Before you spread the tale, make sure there is a need to spread it. In the end, what purpose is served? I haven't figured that out.
(C) I contributed to the outing (and likely continue to do so here--despite my attempt to be indirect--because some folks will now visit Lynn) by quoting the whole thing on Usenet. At this point, I'm putting this all out there because I'm interested in the opinions of others. Am I too hung up about this outing thing?
(D) Then, at the bottom of it all, I get angry. Why does this matter? Why is this an issue? Still? Will it ever NOT be an issue?
Those Canadian Y&R Ratings
An interesting figure is that Y&R had 896,000 viewers, which was EIGHTH PLACE (of ALL TV shows!). Canada has 33,390,141 residents. The US has 301,139,947 residents, or about nine times as many residents.
Using this to pro-rate the Canadian figures, it implies that the equivalent number in the US would be 8,081,024...slightly less than double the number of counted viewers in the US.
I've posted before about the importance of later timeslots internationally, and specifically how Canada got to have a late broadcast, but I am stunned by these numbers.
Canada and the US are different (as a Canadian-American, I should know)...but not THAT different. The lifestyles are not THAT different. Can only timeslot explain the difference?
Here is my hypothesis: I think BECAUSE of the timeslot (after work), Y&R is much more woven into the fabric of Canada. People actually TALK about it at family gatherings and what have you. (They sure do in my extended clan).
Could a soap ever do this in the US? I sure wish I knew what it would take....
One possibility is not the network affiliates...let's face it, they want those Oprah/news hours.
But I don't understand why Soapnet isn't using this potentially lucrative period of 4-7 pm? That is the "money" hour for soaps in many European countries and Canada.
Right now, Soapnet fills the 4-7 slot with One Tree Hill and its' ilk.
They ought to try AMC, OLTL, and GH at 4, 5 and 6. Then, again as they do now Y&R, AMC, OLTL, GH, and Days sometimes) from 7-12. What I'd like to know if, with that experiment, the soaps pull in better numbers than the kiddie shows they're now airing.
The only thing I can't figure out is whether this is purely that the later timeslot works. How much of the success in Canada and Europe is in fact CULTURAL (i.e., in other lands the family sits down together)?
If the timeslot is the fix, why wouldn't the networks try to work it out? SON's UKBoi has this sad speculation:
The thing is, US TV execs are ashamed of the soap genre, while in other countries soap operas are the most watched shows and have the best wriitng, acting and production values; they're given the best timeslots and lots of promotion, the TV execs are determined to make the genre thrive...whereas in the US, it's a genre they seemingly want to kill (especially the P&G shows and NBC)Could this really be true?
Ratings and gas prices: Two demonstrations of the same phenomenon
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Canada: Why does Y&R have a late timeslot and day-ahead episode?
Someone asked me why Y&R has a day-ahead slot in Canada...and I think it is a lucky accident of history. As near as I can tell, because I was there, this is the story....
(a post like this is really just to get some history on the internet...I can't imagine anyone is really interested

It began in the 1970s with a single station. An independent channel out of Hamilton Ontario (then CHCH Channel 11), about 45 minutes west of Toronto (but with Toronto, Hamilton and the Niagara Peninsula as its viewing area) negotiated to show Y&R on a day-ahead basis and at 4:00 pm. I do not know whether this was prescient or lucky...but it did the trick. At that time of day, with the advance-viewing feature, Y&R became Toronto's explosive soap hit, even beating long-time Canadian ratings champ Another World.
[To this day, Canada-wide, Y&R regularly rates in the top twenty of all television shows...a feat soaps have not accomplished in the US since Luke and Laura on General Hospital].
Shortly after Y&R went to an hour (early 1980s), a hot bidding war ensued, and young national network Global Television (later, CanwestGlobal) acquired Y&R licensing rights.
In their waning months, CHCH resolved to kill the show before losing it. They gave up the day-ahead broadcast, and they moved it to 12:30 pm (concurrent with the US broadcast).
Global planned on how to minimize the damage. Global aired daily recaps (to tell audiences what they were missing--back then there was no internet). In addition, Global celebrated the return to afternoon day-ahead broadcasts (which they had also negotiated) with a hugely promoted (and highly rated) primetime special. The special was a kind of cocktail party, and the entire cast was there. Show hosts moved from table to table as the actors "caught us up" on the story.
[This time in history was personally relevant. When Y&R moved to 12:30 pm, and I couldn't watch it during that brief period, I saved all my money and bought a Sears Betamax VCR. That was my first recording machine...and it was Y&R that made me buy it).
Global differed from CHCH as a national network, which surely was part of the reason Screen Gems/Columbia (then either still a Coca Cola company or about to become one, I think) sold them the license.
Global soon time shifted to 4:30 pm, and paired the show with a 5:30 pm newscast in Toronto/Ontario. That was brilliant, because their late soap paired with an early newscast had major timeslot dominance.
(I see now, when I travel to Canada, that this formula has not been universally different time zones, Y&R airs universally in the late afternoon, but shows vary in exactly when or whether it starts on the hour or after the hour. Examples:
Vancouver - 3pm - Global Channel 11
Edmonton - 4 pm - CITV Global Channel 8
Saskatoon - 4:30 pm - CFSK Global Channel 5
Toronto - 4:30 pm - CIII Global Channel 3
Halifax - 1 pm - CJON [has me scratching me head...would they really show a day-ahead ep this early??]
Channels are approximate, and represent the placement of the main Cable provider in town
Usenet poster Tony has alerted us to the fact that in Newfoundland, NTV (which has a programming service agreement with Global, but is owned by the Stirling family and not Global) does something different. The show is aired same-day at 12:30 pm per . Consequently, Tony tells us it is not the hit in Newfoundland that it is elsewhere in the land.)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The cross-over list
Thanks to Y&RWorldTurner, All My Shadows, Jack Peyton, Jinx Avery, Sindacco, Zendall Fan, Robynishere, DavidEvanSmith, EricMontreal22 (SON), Seth J. Bookey, K McC, Grace Noble, RecordHunter, Cheri (Usenet) and several commenters at for additions/changes. IMDB and Wikipedia were useful sources for dates, and particularly for OLTL crossovers. I am also indebted to the AWHP at this link.
For brevity, I am treating GH and GH:Night Shift as pretty much the same show. But Jack Peyton (SON) has provided this rough list of crossovers:
Updated 11/27/2008: Night Shift2 continued the crossovers: From GH to GH:NS2, Contract: Robin Scorpio, Patrick Drake, Leo, Robert Scorpio, Jagger Cates; Recurring: Mac Scorpio, Anna Scorpio, Luke Spencer, Sean and Tiffany, Dr. Russell Ford, Monica Quartermaine.
The P&G shows frequently reference one another's towns (Bay City, Oakdale, Springfield), and the ABC shows do too (Port Charles, Llanview, and Pine Valley). The Bell shows also mention Los Angeles and Genoa City on one another's shows. There is a small suggestion that Passions and Days of Our Lives shared a common universe, but this is problematic because (per SON's RobynIsHere) Passions characters were often seen watching Days.
Specific crossovers follow. Years are approximate. Note: For easier browsing, this table is sorted by Year and by Show in tables at bottom. To accomplish that, I had to (a) limit the year to the first cross-over of a character, and (b) make guesses when exact dates were not known.
Table sorted by year of crossover, then show
Table sorted by show and year of crossover
Table sorted by year of crossover, then show
Where a character crossed over repeatedly, only the first year is show here.
From | To | Character | First Year | Other Years | Notes |
The Brighter Day | ATWT | Mitchell Dru | 1962 | (lawyer, became regular) | |
ATWT | AW | Mitchell Dru | 1964 | (senior lawyer in John Randolph's firm) | |
GL | AW | Mike Bauer | 1966 | (6 month guest regular under Agnes Nixon's pen) | |
GL | AW | Hope Bauer | 1966 | (6 month guest regular under Agnes Nixon's pen) | |
GH | OLTL | Steve Hardy | 1968 | (early show cross-promotion guest stint, per Wiki: "1968, consult on Meredith Lord Wolek's blood disease") | |
AMC | OLTL | Joe Martin | 1970 | Consulted on a case with Dr. Jim Craig | |
AW | Somerset | Missyÿ | 1970 | (became series regular) | |
AW | Somerset | Sam | 1970 | (became series regular; later transferred back to AW in 1973) | |
AW | Somerset | Ricky | 1970 | (became series regular) | |
AW | Somerset | Lahoma | 1970 | (became series regular) | |
AW | Somerset | Rachel Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Ada Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Liz Matthews | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | John Randolph | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Steve Frame | 1970 | (possible guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Peggy | 1970 | (possible guest stint) | |
OLTL | GH | Larry Wolek | 1970 | (early show cross-promotion guest stint, 1970, Larry Wolek appeared on GH to try to get viewers to follow him to Llanview) | |
Somerset | AW | Jasper Delaney | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Rafe Carter | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Ellen Grant | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Ben Grant | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Rex Cooper | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Jessica Buchanan | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Gerald Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Pammy Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AMC | OLTL | Dr. Marcus Polk | 1971 | through 1985 | (therapist moved between Pine Valley and Llanview; murded on OLTL in 1985) |
Somerset | AW | Robert Delaney | 1972 | (guest stint; later became AW regular in 1972) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorerÿ | Austin Cushing | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorerÿ | Amy Cushing | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorer | Mac Cory | 1977 | (guest stint) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorer | Rachel Cory | 1977 | (guest stint) | |
Lovers & Friends | AW | Austin Cushing | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77 ) | |
Lovers & Friends | AW | Amy Cushingÿ | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77) | |
OLTL | AMC | Sadie Gray | 1977 | (guest stint; sang at the wedding of Frank Grant and Caroline Dixon) | |
AMC | OLTL | Paul Martin | 1979 | (defended Viki for Marco Dane's murder) | |
AW | Texas | Brian Bancroft | 1980 | (guest stint on Texas to divorce Iris) | |
AW | Texas | Dennis Carrington | 1980 | (character introduced on AW in 1972 before being moved to Texas as series regular; returned to AW in 1990) | |
AW | Texas | Iris Carrington | 1980 | (became series regular; years later returned to AW as recast) | |
AW | Texas | Vivien the maid | 1980 | (became series regular; returned to AW two months after Texas cancellation) | |
AW | Texas | Mac Coryÿ | 1980 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Texas | Reena Bellman Cook | 1980 | Debuted on AW in Feb 1980, with plans to spin off to Texas in August 1980 | |
AW | Texas | Kevin Cook | 1980 | Debuted on AW in Feb 1980, with plans to spin them off to Texas in August 1980 | |
AW | Texas | Striker Bellman | 1980 | Debuted on AW in June 1980, with plans to spin them off to Texas in August 1980 | |
AW | Texas | Alex Wheeler, Justin Marshall, Rikki Dekker, Max Dekker, Billy Joe Wright, many others | 1980 | Debuted on AW in July 1980, with plans to spin them off to Texas in August 1980; set in Houston, never really in Bay City | |
OLTL | AMC | Delilah Buchanan | 1984 | (guest stint, Delilah brings a unique dress for Erica from "Designs by Delilah") | |
AMC | Loving | Jeremy Hunter | 1991 | 1992 | (became a regular) |
AMC | OLTL | Jeremy Hunter | 1991 | (enroute to Corinth, stopped in Llanview; helped save Dorian's pictures from a fire) | |
AMC | Loving | Ceara Hunter | 1991 | (one month visit to work on marriage with Jeremy) | |
AMC | Loving | Trevor Dillon | 1992 | (brief visit; Trevor stopped Shana Vochek for's real wife) | |
AMC | Loving | Carter Jones | 1992 | (knew Dinah Lee; terrorized Natalie) | |
B&B | Y&R | Eric Forrester | 1992 | 2008 | (guest stints; Sheila calls LA for a job after fleeing Genoa City the first time; Forrester advertises in Restless Style) |
Loving | AMC | Dinah Lee Mayberry | 1992 | (brief run; was involved with Carter, terrorizer of Natalie Hunter Dillon) | |
Loving | AMC | Hannah Mayberry | 1992 | (brief run; joined Dinah Lee in staying at Myrtle Fargate's in Pine Valley) | |
OLTL | GH | Marco Dane | 1992 | (became a regular) | |
Y&R | B&B | Sheila Carter | 1992 | through 2003 | (became a regular; multiple stints) |
Y&R | B&B | Molly Carter | 1992 | through 1993 | (brief guest stint) |
AMC | Loving | Angie Hubbard | 1993 | (became a regular, later returned to AMC) | |
GH | Loving | Cesar Faison | 1993 | (Menaced Ava, brief stint) | |
Y&R | B&B | Lauren Fenmore | 1993 | through 2007 | (became a regular 1995-1998) |
Y&R | B&B | Scott Grainger | 1993 | (guest stint; died in Catalina) | |
Y&R | B&B | Brad Carlton | 1993 | (guest stint; Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing; also when Sheila blackmailed him for sleeping with Lauren) | |
AMC | Loving | Frankie Hubbard | 1995 | (became a regular, later returned to AMC) | |
AMC | Loving | Pat Baxter | 1995 | (guest stint; Angie's mom) | |
AMC | Loving | Myrtle Fargate | 1995 | (attended the wedding of close family friend Dinah Lee) | |
Loving | The City | Angie Hubbard | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Jacob Foster | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Buck Houston | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Tess Wilder | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Danny Roberts | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Jocelyn Brown | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Richard Wilkins | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Tony Soleito | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Stephanie Brewster | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Ally Bowman | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
AMC | OLTL | Tad Martin | 1996 | 2003, 2004, 2005 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show; Fan February, also baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Gloria Marsh | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
AMC | OLTL | Scott Chandler | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
AMC | The City | Jackson Montgomery | 1996 | (guest stint; legal work for Sydney Chase) | |
GH | The City | Tracy Quartermaine | 1996 | (became a regular, eventually returned to GH) | |
GH | The City | Dillon Quartermaine | 1996 | (became a regular, eventually returned to GH) | |
GH | Port Charles | Victor Collins | 1996 | (Established on GH before joining PC) | |
OLTL | AMC | Nora Buchanan | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
OLTL | AMC | RJ Gannon | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
OLTL | AMC | Rachel Gannon | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
GH | Port Charles | Audrey Hardy | 1997 | (head drill) | |
GH | Port Charles | Monica Quartermaine | 1997 | through 2000 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Alan Quartermaine | 1997 | through 2002 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Tony Jones | 1997 | through 2000 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Mac Scorpio | 1997 | through 2002 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Dt. Alex Garcia | 1997 | through 2001 | (guest bits) |
GH | Port Charles | Scott Baldwin | 1997 | (became a regular; later returned to GH) | |
GH | Port Charles | Lucy Coe | 1997 | (became a regular; briefly returned to GH for Lila Quartermaine's funeral) | |
GH | Port Charles | Kevin Collins | 1997 | (became a regular; briefly returned to GH for Lila Quartermaine's funeral) | |
GH | Port Charles | Karen Wexler | 1997 | (became a regular) | |
GH | Port Charles | Lee Baldwin | 1997 | (became a recurring character) | |
GH | Port Charles | Gail Baldwin | 1997 | (became a recurring character) | |
GH | Port Charles | Alexis Davis | 1997 | (Legal visit, Frank Scanlon) | |
GH | Port Charles | Katherine Bell | 1997 | (Nurses Ball plot with Eve Lambert against Lucy Coe) | |
GH | Port Charles | Mike Corbin | 1997 | (Recurred as co-owner/runner of Recovery Room bar) | |
Port Charles | GH | Serena Baldwin | 1997 | (recurred on GH for a time) | |
Port Charles | GH | Mary Scanlon | 1997 | (Originally established on GH, and to set up romance with Mike Corbin) | |
The City | OLTL | Alex Masters | 1997 | (asked by Bo Buchanan to help track down a New York suspect) | |
AMC | OLTL | Skye Chandler | 1998 | (became a regular) | |
B&B | Y&R | Brooke Logan | 1998 | 2007 | (guest stint; both Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing; and revealed via phone to Cane that he could not trust "wife" Amber) |
GH | Port Charles | Robin Scorpio | 1998 | (guest stint) | |
GH | Port Charles | Amy Vining | 1998 | (Attended Mary Scanlon's bridal shower) | |
Sunset Beach | Santa Barbara (kinda) | Ben Evans | 1998 | (mentions going to SB to do legal work for the Capwells; 5 years after Santa Barbara was cancelled) | |
AW | ATWT | Jake Mackinnon | 1999 | (became a regular) | |
AW | ATWT | Vicky Mackinnon | 1999 | (brief regular; then died) | |
AW | ATWT | Donna Love | 1999 | 2002 | (guest stint; custody of Vicky's children) |
AW | ATWT | Marley Love | 1999 | 2002 | (guest stint; custody of Vicky's children) |
AW | ATWT | Cass Winthrop | 1999 | 2006 | (guest stint; legal case) |
AW | ATWT | Lila Winthrop | 1999 | (accompanied Cass on one visit) | |
GH | Port Charles | Amanda Barrington | 1999 | through 2003 | (became a recurring character) |
GH | Port Charles | Cesar Faison | 1999 | (brief stint) | |
GH | Portÿ Charles | Justus Ward | 1999 | (Legal visit) | |
OLTL | AMC/GH/PC | Gretel Rae Cummings | 1999 | 2000, 2003 | long story.... |
Y&R | B&B | Victor Newman | 1999 | (guest stint; Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing) | |
Y&R | B&B | Jack Abbott | 1999 | 2008 | (guest stint; Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing) |
AW | ATWT | Cindy Harrison | 2000 | 2001 | (guest stint) |
GH | Port Charles | Sonny Corinthos | 2000 | (guest bits to see Karen Wexler) | |
GH | Port Charles | Allison Barrington | 2000 | (interacted with Juan and Emily before joining PC) | |
GH | Port Charles | Daraÿ Jensen | 2000 | (Several legal visits, cousin of Jamal) | |
OLTL | Port Charles | Ian Thornheart | 2000 | (brother of OLTL's deceased Patrick, not really a crossover) | |
AMC | OLTL | JR Chandler | 2001 | 2004, 2005 | (baby switch story) |
GH | AMC | Anna Devane | 2001 | (became a regular as Anna; had started as Alex Devane in 1999; later returned to GH in recurring stints) | |
GH | AMC | Robin Scorpio | 2001 | (one-day guest stint) | |
Y&R | B&B | Dr. Tim Reid | 2001 | (briefly became regular to help Morgan kidnap babies Phoebe and Steffy) | |
AW | GL | Cass Winthrop | 2002 | (guest stint; legal case) | |
OLTL | GH | Skye Chandler | 2002 | (became a Quartermaine sort of; married Alcazar) | |
AMC | OLTL | Opal Gardner | 2003 | (shopping at Logan's Dept. Store, which was actually first named on Port Charles) | |
Y&R | B&B | Joanna Manning | 2003 | (guest stint; met with Jackie Marone on a one day Fenmore?s buying visit) | |
AMC | OLTL | Babe Chandler | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Bianca Montgomery | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Adam Chandler | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story; also when he learned Skye was not his daughter) |
AMC | OLTL | Brooke English | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Jamie Martin | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Krystal Chandler | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | David Hayward | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Kendall Hart | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
DOOL | Passions | Stefano Dimera's house | 2004 | (Tek mentioned that Stefano had a mansion in Harmony) | |
OLTL | AMC | Asa Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Adriana Cramer | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Mr. Emerson | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Duke Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | David Vickers | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Bo Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Paul Cramer | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Kelly Cramer | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Kevin Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Dorian Lord | 2004 | 2005 | (guest stint; bought National Intruder from Adam Chandler; also baby switch story) |
Y&R | ATWT | Michael Baldwin | 2005 | (guest stint; legal case) | |
ATWT | Y&R | Allison Stewart | 2006 | (guest stint; helped friend Amber trap Cane into marriage) | |
B&B | Y&R | Amber Moore | 2006 | (became a regular) | |
B&B | Y&R | Sugar | 2006 | (Sugar was the prison guard who helped Sheila escape on B&B; when Sheila later returned to Y&R, she had had Sugar made to LOOK like Sheila [i.e., Kimberlin Brown]. Sugar's stint ended when she tried to kill Lauren's son Scott. Sugar remains in a mental institution somewhere.) | |
ATWT | Y&R | Emily Stewart | 2007 | (guest stint; Emily seeking Allison) | |
Y&R | B&B | Ashley Abbott | 2007 | (became a regular) | |
Y&R | B&B | Abby Abbott | 2007 | (became a regular) | |
Y&R | B&B | Christine Blair | 2007 | (guest stint; defended Ridge on murder charges) | |
Y&R | B&B | Katherine Chancellor | 2007 | (guest stint; revealed that Stephanie owned Forrester) | |
B&B | Y&R | Felicia Forrester | 2008 | (guest stint; Forrester advertises in Restless Style) | |
The City | AMC | Cassandra Foster | 2008 | (became a regular long after The City's cancellation) |
Table sorted by show and year of crossover
Where a character crossed over repeatedly, only the first year is show here.
From | To | Character | First Year | Other Years | Notes |
AMC | OLTL | Joe Martin | 1970 | Consulted on a case with Dr. Jim Craig | |
AMC | OLTL | Dr. Marcus Polk | 1971 | through 1985 | (therapist moved between Pine Valley and Llanview; murded on OLTL in 1985) |
AMC | OLTL | Paul Martin | 1979 | (defended Viki for Marco Dane's murder) | |
AMC | Loving | Jeremy Hunter | 1991 | 1992 | (became a regular) |
AMC | OLTL | Jeremy Hunter | 1991 | (enroute to Corinth, stopped in Llanview; helped save Dorian's pictures from a fire) | |
AMC | Loving | Ceara Hunter | 1991 | (one month visit to work on marriage with Jeremy) | |
AMC | Loving | Trevor Dillon | 1992 | (brief visit; Trevor stopped Shana Vochek for's real wife) | |
AMC | Loving | Carter Jones | 1992 | (knew Dinah Lee; terrorized Natalie) | |
AMC | Loving | Angie Hubbard | 1993 | (became a regular, later returned to AMC) | |
AMC | Loving | Frankie Hubbard | 1995 | (became a regular, later returned to AMC) | |
AMC | Loving | Pat Baxter | 1995 | (guest stint; Angie's mom) | |
AMC | Loving | Myrtle Fargate | 1995 | (attended the wedding of close family friend Dinah Lee) | |
AMC | OLTL | Tad Martin | 1996 | 2003, 2004, 2005 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show; Fan February, also baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Gloria Marsh | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
AMC | OLTL | Scott Chandler | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
AMC | The City | Jackson Montgomery | 1996 | (guest stint; legal work for Sydney Chase) | |
AMC | OLTL | Skye Chandler | 1998 | (became a regular) | |
AMC | OLTL | JR Chandler | 2001 | 2004, 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Opal Gardner | 2003 | (shopping at Logan's Dept. Store, which was actually first named on Port Charles) | |
AMC | OLTL | Babe Chandler | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Bianca Montgomery | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Adam Chandler | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story; also when he learned Skye was not his daughter) |
AMC | OLTL | Brooke English | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Jamie Martin | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Krystal Chandler | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | David Hayward | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
AMC | OLTL | Kendall Hart | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
ATWT | AW | Mitchell Dru | 1964 | (senior lawyer in John Randolph's firm) | |
ATWT | Y&R | Allison Stewart | 2006 | (guest stint; helped friend Amber trap Cane into marriage) | |
ATWT | Y&R | Emily Stewart | 2007 | (guest stint; Emily seeking Allison) | |
AW | Somerset | Missyÿ | 1970 | (became series regular) | |
AW | Somerset | Sam | 1970 | (became series regular; later transferred back to AW in 1973) | |
AW | Somerset | Ricky | 1970 | (became series regular) | |
AW | Somerset | Lahoma | 1970 | (became series regular) | |
AW | Somerset | Rachel Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Ada Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Liz Matthews | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | John Randolph | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Steve Frame | 1970 | (possible guest stint) | |
AW | Somerset | Peggy | 1970 | (possible guest stint) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorerÿ | Austin Cushing | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorerÿ | Amy Cushing | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorer | Mac Cory | 1977 | (guest stint) | |
AW | For Richer, For Poorer | Rachel Cory | 1977 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Texas | Brian Bancroft | 1980 | (guest stint on Texas to divorce Iris) | |
AW | Texas | Dennis Carrington | 1980 | (character introduced on AW in 1972 before being moved to Texas as series regular; returned to AW in 1990) | |
AW | Texas | Iris Carrington | 1980 | (became series regular; years later returned to AW as recast) | |
AW | Texas | Vivien the maid | 1980 | (became series regular; returned to AW two months after Texas cancellation) | |
AW | Texas | Mac Coryÿ | 1980 | (guest stint) | |
AW | Texas | Reena Bellman Cook | 1980 | Debuted on AW in Feb 1980, with plans to spin off to Texas in August 1980 | |
AW | Texas | Kevin Cook | 1980 | Debuted on AW in Feb 1980, with plans to spin them off to Texas in August 1980 | |
AW | Texas | Striker Bellman | 1980 | Debuted on AW in June 1980, with plans to spin them off to Texas in August 1980 | |
AW | Texas | Alex Wheeler, Justin Marshall, Rikki Dekker, Max Dekker, Billy Joe Wright, many others | 1980 | Debuted on AW in July 1980, with plans to spin them off to Texas in August 1980; set in Houston, never really in Bay City | |
AW | ATWT | Jake Mackinnon | 1999 | (became a regular) | |
AW | ATWT | Vicky Mackinnon | 1999 | (brief regular; then died) | |
AW | ATWT | Donna Love | 1999 | 2002 | (guest stint; custody of Vicky's children) |
AW | ATWT | Marley Love | 1999 | 2002 | (guest stint; custody of Vicky's children) |
AW | ATWT | Cass Winthrop | 1999 | 2006 | (guest stint; legal case) |
AW | ATWT | Lila Winthrop | 1999 | (accompanied Cass on one visit) | |
AW | ATWT | Cindy Harrison | 2000 | 2001 | (guest stint) |
AW | GL | Cass Winthrop | 2002 | (guest stint; legal case) | |
B&B | Y&R | Eric Forrester | 1992 | 2008 | (guest stints; Sheila calls LA for a job after fleeing Genoa City the first time; Forrester advertises in Restless Style) |
B&B | Y&R | Brooke Logan | 1998 | 2007 | (guest stint; both Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing; and revealed via phone to Cane that he could not trust "wife" Amber) |
B&B | Y&R | Amber Moore | 2006 | (became a regular) | |
B&B | Y&R | Sugar | 2006 | (Sugar was the prison guard who helped Sheila escape on B&B; when Sheila later returned to Y&R, she had had Sugar made to LOOK like Sheila [i.e., Kimberlin Brown]. Sugar's stint ended when she tried to kill Lauren's son Scott. Sugar remains in a mental institution somewhere.) | |
B&B | Y&R | Felicia Forrester | 2008 | (guest stint; Forrester advertises in Restless Style) | |
DOOL | Passions | Stefano Dimera's house | 2004 | (Tek mentioned that Stefano had a mansion in Harmony) | |
GH | OLTL | Steve Hardy | 1968 | (early show cross-promotion guest stint, per Wiki: "1968, consult on Meredith Lord Wolek's blood disease") | |
GH | Loving | Cesar Faison | 1993 | (Menaced Ava, brief stint) | |
GH | The City | Tracy Quartermaine | 1996 | (became a regular, eventually returned to GH) | |
GH | The City | Dillon Quartermaine | 1996 | (became a regular, eventually returned to GH) | |
GH | Port Charles | Victor Collins | 1996 | (Established on GH before joining PC) | |
GH | Port Charles | Audrey Hardy | 1997 | (head drill) | |
GH | Port Charles | Monica Quartermaine | 1997 | through 2000 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Alan Quartermaine | 1997 | through 2002 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Tony Jones | 1997 | through 2000 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Mac Scorpio | 1997 | through 2002 | (guest bit) |
GH | Port Charles | Dt. Alex Garcia | 1997 | through 2001 | (guest bits) |
GH | Port Charles | Scott Baldwin | 1997 | (became a regular; later returned to GH) | |
GH | Port Charles | Lucy Coe | 1997 | (became a regular; briefly returned to GH for Lila Quartermaine's funeral) | |
GH | Port Charles | Kevin Collins | 1997 | (became a regular; briefly returned to GH for Lila Quartermaine's funeral) | |
GH | Port Charles | Karen Wexler | 1997 | (became a regular) | |
GH | Port Charles | Lee Baldwin | 1997 | (became a recurring character) | |
GH | Port Charles | Gail Baldwin | 1997 | (became a recurring character) | |
GH | Port Charles | Alexis Davis | 1997 | (Legal visit, Frank Scanlon) | |
GH | Port Charles | Katherine Bell | 1997 | (Nurses Ball plot with Eve Lambert against Lucy Coe) | |
GH | Port Charles | Mike Corbin | 1997 | (Recurred as co-owner/runner of Recovery Room bar) | |
GH | Port Charles | Robin Scorpio | 1998 | (guest stint) | |
GH | Port Charles | Amy Vining | 1998 | (Attended Mary Scanlon's bridal shower) | |
GH | Port Charles | Amanda Barrington | 1999 | through 2003 | (became a recurring character) |
GH | Port Charles | Cesar Faison | 1999 | (brief stint) | |
GH | Portÿ Charles | Justus Ward | 1999 | (Legal visit) | |
GH | Port Charles | Sonny Corinthos | 2000 | (guest bits to see Karen Wexler) | |
GH | Port Charles | Allison Barrington | 2000 | (interacted with Juan and Emily before joining PC) | |
GH | Port Charles | Daraÿ Jensen | 2000 | (Several legal visits, cousin of Jamal) | |
GH | AMC | Anna Devane | 2001 | (became a regular as Anna; had started as Alex Devane in 1999; later returned to GH in recurring stints) | |
GH | AMC | Robin Scorpio | 2001 | (one-day guest stint) | |
GL | AW | Mike Bauer | 1966 | (6 month guest regular under Agnes Nixon's pen) | |
GL | AW | Hope Bauer | 1966 | (6 month guest regular under Agnes Nixon's pen) | |
Lovers & Friends | AW | Austin Cushing | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77 ) | |
Lovers & Friends | AW | Amy Cushingÿ | 1977 | (moved from L&F to AW while it was revamped to be FR,FP in 5/77, then moved to the new show in 12/77) | |
Loving | AMC | Dinah Lee Mayberry | 1992 | (brief run; was involved with Carter, terrorizer of Natalie Hunter Dillon) | |
Loving | AMC | Hannah Mayberry | 1992 | (brief run; joined Dinah Lee in staying at Myrtle Fargate's in Pine Valley) | |
Loving | The City | Angie Hubbard | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Jacob Foster | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Buck Houston | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Tess Wilder | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Danny Roberts | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Jocelyn Brown | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Richard Wilkins | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Tony Soleito | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Stephanie Brewster | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
Loving | The City | Ally Bowman | 1995 | (became a regular) | |
OLTL | GH | Larry Wolek | 1970 | (early show cross-promotion guest stint, 1970, Larry Wolek appeared on GH to try to get viewers to follow him to Llanview) | |
OLTL | AMC | Sadie Gray | 1977 | (guest stint; sang at the wedding of Frank Grant and Caroline Dixon) | |
OLTL | AMC | Delilah Buchanan | 1984 | (guest stint, Delilah brings a unique dress for Erica from "Designs by Delilah") | |
OLTL | GH | Marco Dane | 1992 | (became a regular) | |
OLTL | AMC | Nora Buchanan | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
OLTL | AMC | RJ Gannon | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
OLTL | AMC | Rachel Gannon | 1996 | (guest stint on Tad's Cutting Edge show) | |
OLTL | AMC/GH/PC | Gretel Rae Cummings | 1999 | 2000, 2003 | long story.... |
OLTL | Port Charles | Ian Thornheart | 2000 | (brother of OLTL's deceased Patrick, not really a crossover) | |
OLTL | GH | Skye Chandler | 2002 | (became a Quartermaine sort of; married Alcazar) | |
OLTL | AMC | Asa Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Adriana Cramer | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Mr. Emerson | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Duke Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | David Vickers | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Bo Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Paul Cramer | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Kelly Cramer | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Kevin Buchanan | 2004 | 2005 | (baby switch story) |
OLTL | AMC | Dorian Lord | 2004 | 2005 | (guest stint; bought National Intruder from Adam Chandler; also baby switch story) |
Port Charles | GH | Serena Baldwin | 1997 | (recurred on GH for a time) | |
Port Charles | GH | Mary Scanlon | 1997 | (Originally established on GH, and to set up romance with Mike Corbin) | |
Somerset | AW | Jasper Delaney | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Rafe Carter | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Ellen Grant | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Ben Grant | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Rex Cooper | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Jessica Buchanan | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Gerald Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Pammy Davis | 1970 | (guest stint) | |
Somerset | AW | Robert Delaney | 1972 | (guest stint; later became AW regular in 1972) | |
Sunset Beach | Santa Barbara (kinda) | Ben Evans | 1998 | (mentions going to SB to do legal work for the Capwells; 5 years after Santa Barbara was cancelled) | |
The Brighter Day | ATWT | Mitchell Dru | 1962 | (lawyer, became regular) | |
The City | OLTL | Alex Masters | 1997 | (asked by Bo Buchanan to help track down a New York suspect) | |
The City | AMC | Cassandra Foster | 2008 | (became a regular long after The City's cancellation) | |
Y&R | B&B | Sheila Carter | 1992 | through 2003 | (became a regular; multiple stints) |
Y&R | B&B | Molly Carter | 1992 | through 1993 | (brief guest stint) |
Y&R | B&B | Lauren Fenmore | 1993 | through 2007 | (became a regular 1995-1998) |
Y&R | B&B | Scott Grainger | 1993 | (guest stint; died in Catalina) | |
Y&R | B&B | Brad Carlton | 1993 | (guest stint; Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing; also when Sheila blackmailed him for sleeping with Lauren) | |
Y&R | B&B | Victor Newman | 1999 | (guest stint; Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing) | |
Y&R | B&B | Jack Abbott | 1999 | 2008 | (guest stint; Forrester/Abbott/Newman business thing) |
Y&R | B&B | Dr. Tim Reid | 2001 | (briefly became regular to help Morgan kidnap babies Phoebe and Steffy) | |
Y&R | B&B | Joanna Manning | 2003 | (guest stint; met with Jackie Marone on a one day Fenmore?s buying visit) | |
Y&R | ATWT | Michael Baldwin | 2005 | (guest stint; legal case) | |
Y&R | B&B | Ashley Abbott | 2007 | (became a regular) | |
Y&R | B&B | Abby Abbott | 2007 | (became a regular) | |
Y&R | B&B | Christine Blair | 2007 | (guest stint; defended Ridge on murder charges) | |
Y&R | B&B | Katherine Chancellor | 2007 | (guest stint; revealed that Stephanie owned Forrester) |